Search Results for: raiding

Jonathan Pollard

Jonathan Pollard Linkedin Jonathan Pollard is a high stakes employment and competition lawyer based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Pollard has litigated more than 150 non-compete

Second Opinion & Escalation Counsel

Clients frequently engage Jonathan Pollard to provide a second opinion on active high-stakes litigation or arbitration matters and – in some instances – to take

Non-Compete Litigation

Jonathan Pollard – Extensive Experience Defending Non-Compete Cases Jonathan Pollard is competition lawyer based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and the founder of Pollard PLLC. He

Florida Business Litigation

Fort Lauderdale, FloridaNon-Compete Litigation Attorney954-332-2380          In many instances, when a Florida non-compete dispute does go to court, the plaintiff will immediately seek a temporary

Florida Non Compete Advising

Fort Lauderdale, FloridaNon-Compete Litigation Attorney954-332-2380          In many instances, when a Florida non-compete dispute does go to court, the plaintiff will immediately seek a temporary

Employee Poaching & Non-Compete Agreements

Florida non-compete lawyer Jonathan Pollard discusses considerations related to employee poaching or raiding and non-compete agreements.  This discussion addresses the widespread use of non-compete agreements